When you read that headline, what goes through your mind? Weight loss? Toning up? Improved nutrition? Better sleep? Stress management? Or all of the above?
What if I told you that all of these are related, and that you can work on them together in harmony to live a healthy lifestyle? It’s about creating healthy habits, one step at a time. It’s that time of year for re-assessing where we are, congratulating ourselves for what we have accomplished (yes, small steps count!) and planning for the New Year. I call this Designing with Intention. The better we take care of ourselves, the more we can bring to our families, co-workers, friends… Where do you start? This is a problem for many of us. “I’ll start tomorrow,” we tell ourselves—but tomorrow never comes. I love Simon Sinek’s quote: “It doesn’t matter when we start. It doesn’t matter where we start. ALL that matters is that we start.” |
Dream It, Map It, Believe It, Achieve It
Ever hear of a Vision Board? It’s a powerful way of bringing clarity to what you want to achieve in a visual way. It can be any kind of board: poster, cork, white board, art book—anything that you can draw on, attach pictures, motivational messages, markers of progress. You get the idea—make it yours. Give yourself space to dream, take yourself on a journey, mapping the road ahead. Set goals along the way. You’re designing your story—your ideal future state.
How do you make your vision a reality? Take action!
• What does it mean to you to reach this goal? What difference does it make?
• What one step could you take now to start moving toward your ideal future?
• Imagine you are in that future state right now. Envision it in specific detail.
What do you see and feel?
• What one step could you take now to start moving toward your ideal future?
• Imagine you are in that future state right now. Envision it in specific detail.
What do you see and feel?
Your vision board should be dynamic, with room to make adjustments as you experience your journey. The beauty of a vision board is that you can make it inspirational to keep moving ahead.
Over time—remember, this is a continual journey—you will be building healthy habits for a lifetime, experiencing transformation and feeling great! Experience a bump in the road? Remember that a journey isn’t linear. It has curves, twists and turns, and ups and downs, more reflective of real life. And no negative self-talk! You deserve to give yourself grace and look forward, reminding yourself of the small victories you’ve accomplished. This isn’t about striving for perfection. |
If you’re thinking, “This sounds great and I want to get started, but I’ve tried something similar before,” or, “I set goals every year and never accomplish what I set out to do,” then what’s the answer? Get a coach!
We have a greater chance of success with an accountability partner. Let’s create forward movement together. Contact me for a complimentary discovery session. Valerie Jones, Certified Professional Coach valerie@coachingcx.com, 317 506-5418 |